Through that column, I’ve been able to share some stories and advice learnt from my life as a professional creative in other fields. Invaluable advice and wisdom shared with me over the years in various art settings.
It’s genuinely helped me navigate the stormy seas of art vs. Commerce and it became clear – to me at least – that a lot of new tattooists are seeking out authentic voices that share exactly this kind of advice. Advice that’s essential but, sadly, all too often unavailable.
Over the years I’ve realised that the most important things we learn in tattooing are rarely from books. They’re mostly from the life experiences of our mentors, shared in the age old tradition of ‘the Tattooists tall tale’ You see, Tattooists love to tell tales and share stories and, I guess, I’m no different.
So, I’ve decided to put them all here. In the form of the Tattooists tall tale. Hopefully for your enjoyment.
Along the way I’ll also attempt to tell you how this creative soul stumbled through idealism tripped over the real world and fell into integrity. All without spilling my pint.